Collaborative and contractual research
- One-off contracts. Individual research contracts (third party research) developed by FBK with companies and public administrations based on specific needs.
- Strategic partnerships. Individual research contracts / projects can be the beginning of long-term collaborative relationships with companies.
- Competence center. FBK participates in the SMACT competence center (Italian Industry 4.0 Plan), a highly specialized center in Industry 4.0 technologies consisting of a public-private partnership formed by universities, research centers and companies. SMACT is focused on the following specializations: social networks, mobile platforms & apps, advanced analytics and big data cloud, internet of things. SMACT aims to promote technological and digital development and the creation of specialized skills in order to favor the transfer of technological solutions and innovation in production processes and products through the development of innovation projects, industrial research and experimental development, proposed by the member companies of the competence center.
- Large scale projects with many partners. Certain challenges are so complex to require the participation of multiple partners to have a broad spectrum of skills needed to develop an appropriate solution. FBK has a lot of experience in large-scale project management and knows about government funding opportunities at national and local level.
Diego Giuliani
Alessandro Bozzoli
Vittorio Guarnieri