Diego Giuliani

  • Knowledge Transfer Officer

Diego Giuliani is  a senior researcher at FBK,  he joined the Knowledge Transfer Area of FBK as a Knowledge Transfer Officer in 2016. In this role, he supports the valorisation of the FBK’s research results mainly in the ICT field, he takes care of relations with companies, assisting researchers in the preparation of project proposals and in negotiation with companies, he contributes to the creation of new opportunities of collaboration with organisations and companies at national and international level.

During his career Diego Giuliani carried out research and development activities in the field of Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR). He mainly investigated acoustic modelling, based on hidden Markov models and artificial neural networks, for ASR. He is co-author of more than 100 scientific papers and participated in numerous research projects at national and international level, including the following projects funded by the European Commission: SPEEDATA (1995-1998), CoreTex (2000-2003), ECHO (2002-2004), PF-STAR (2002-2004), TC-STAR (2004-2007), Jumas (2008-2010), TOSCA-MP (2011-2014) and EU-BRIDGE (2012-2015). As a researcher, over time he also gained a large experience in innovation and technology transfer.

Diego Giuliani graduated in Computer Science at the University of Milan in 1986. In April 1987 he joined the Istituto Trentino di Cultura – Institute for Scientific and Technological Research (ITC-IRST), first as an assistant researcher  then as a researcher (1988), and from 2005 as a senior researcher.